Life in the Church
Our church family is a diverse group of people of all ages who love to spend time enjoying a variety of activities together including regular joys & concerns chats, game nights, bible studies, choir, handbells, and more!
Upcoming Events
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You can also catch upcoming events in the weekly bulletin or contact us here.

Music Programs
Music in our worship services include familiar hymns accompanied by the organ, as well as modern worship choruses, adult choir, children's choir, and special music at our baby grand piano, including:
Vocal & instrumental solos & duets
Vocal quartets
Flute ensemble
Seasonal Cantatas accompanied by instrumentalists within our congregation and volunteers from the Rose Tree Pops Orchestra

Adult Choir (high school - adult) meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the Chapel and studies a wide range of repertoire.
Children's Choir (children 3 - 5th grade) meets Sundays at 9:45 a.m. and uses a Christian curriculum to introduce the basics of choral performance, reading and playing music, including percussive instruments and handbells.
*As we are shifting our programming between in-person and virtual, if you'd like to participate in our music programs, please reach out in advance.
Young Children & Nursery Care
Children, no matter how small, are always welcome in worship. Children are not just the congregation's future, they are also a special part of our current life together. The noises they make are a joy and a sign of life, not a bother.
Nursery care is available for children ages 3 and under during all regular worship services. Our nursery care is provided by adult staff with child care clearances.
*As we are shifting our programming between in-person and virtual, if you're planning utilize nursery care, kindly reach out in advance.

Children's Education
Preschool and elementary school children are dismissed for Sunday School after the Children's Moment during Worship. Children learn Bible stories through fun crafts, games, and music.

Youth Education
Youth Group is open to all youth currently in 6th to 12th grade.
Our youth meet regularly for activities and discussion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 4pm-7pm during the school year.
The youth group also enjoys special events throughout the year including Lock-ins, Retreats, Game Nights, Visits to Cherry Crest Farm, and more!
Adult Education
Adult Education features multiple events throughout the year such as book discussions, topical guest speakers, and short-term studies. We even have "Adult Youth Group" for members college aged and above to come together for fellowship, lessons, and games.